With almost 25 years of experience in sales, installation and technical assistance of packaging machines Promo-Pack offers to you a wide range of equipments and services in this field of for a large number of industrial applications:
- Food products: bakery, pastry, fast-food, chocolate, meat and meat products, cheese, frozen products:
- Non food products: Cosmetics, pharmaceutics, construction, chemicals.
Primary packaging
Flow pack machines for single pack:
Or for multipack:
The packaging process could include manual feeding or automatic feeding depending on: speed, product fragility or hygienic conditions
The packaging configuration depends on: type of the bag, product self-life requirements, product shape, consistency or temperature sensitivity:
Vertical packaging machines. Promo-Pack has solutions for every kind of product to be packed in a bag: powders, granular product, liquid product or solid irregular products. The bags could be: pillow, flat bottom, stabile bag with zip application or clips:
For those applications which require small doses in small packs Promo-Pack has in its offer the whole range of such equipments: packaging machine for stick, tetrahedron or four side sealing for food, chemical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products, with any kind of consistency: powder, granular, liquid:
Secondary packaging
The secondary packing (some packed product, in way or another, are grouped and packed again) is represented in Promo-Pack offer by the following type of equipments:
- Shrink film packaging machines with manual or automatic grouping of the products:
-Grouped products packed on a flow pack:
The offer has a wide range of solution for all kind of products suitable for this type of packaging: packs, bags, bottles, cans and others. The equipments could be separated (box erection, filling and closing) or integrated system:
The Promo-Pack offer is completed with paletizers with manual forming of the pallet and automatic wrapping with stretch film or complete automatic system: